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Plans & Pricing

Choose Your Subscription Plan

  • Best Value


    Every month
    +£299 Deposit
    1 - 5 Radiators
    Valid for 12 months
  • Standard

    Every month
    +£399 Deposit
    6 - 10 Radiators
    Valid for 12 months
  • Premium

    Every month
    +£499 Deposit
    11 - 15 Radiators
    Valid for 12 months
  • Deluxe

    Every month
    +£599 Deposit
    16 - 20 Radiators
    Valid for 12 months

 Services included in the subscription plan

Customer can enjoy a 3-month trial period and experience the energy-saving system immediately

A 12cm x 20cm central control pad is provided

Free installation video materials are provided

1 to 1 Technical support service

One-time remote professional cloud service setup and connection

Customised Home Energy Automation

Cloud service fee for automation


 Enjoy the free integration of the control pad with your existing smart Ring doorbell for enhanced security protection

 DIY Customers, can enjoy free professional cloud setup and connection for 1 more time within the first 3 months during the promotion period if they choose to increase the number of radiators to be intelligentised, without additional charge. 



 100% Guaranteed energy and money saving

 Guaranteed money back within  3-Month Trial period

* Please refer to remark for details


  1. The subscription fee for the energy-saving system is based on the number of radiators to be intelligentised and to be paid on a monthly or yearly basis.

  2. If customers are unable to achieve a reduction in energy bills through the BES system, they can have the option to return the original control pad and have the deposit refunded within the first 3-month period, only the subscription fee will be charged. Terms and conditions apply to this offering.

  3. If customers want to seek a refund on the smart hardware they have purchased, they need to follow the instructions of the provider through which the purchase has been made.

  4. As a recommendation, customers are preferred to have a smart meter installed at their home so that the energy consumption can be easily visualized.  

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Installation Options


Service Areas

Applicable to residential/non-residential properties in England, Ireland, Scotland, or any other island, with Wi-Fi already installed at the property

Applicable to residential/non-residential properties in England only, with Wi-Fi already installed at the property

Application Scope

Applicable for intelligentising water-based radiators for energy savings only, not covering  intelligentisation of boilers, air conditioners, or lighting

Applicable for intelligentising water-based radiators for energy savings but can also be extensible to covering intelligentisation of boilers, air conditioners, or lighting

Purchase Guidelines

  1. First, customers need to check their water-based radiator valve themselves to see if it matches our specified brands for compatibility. If the brand name is not on the list, please email us photos of the relevant brand for confirmation

  2. To enhance energy-saving effectiveness, it is recommended that customers only need to intelligentise the water-based radiators in the living room, dining room, and each bedroom respectively, while those in corridors or bathrooms without power sockets do not need to be replaced. Of course, the more radiators to become smart, the greater the savings

Service Flow


After customers choose the appropriate subscription plan above and make the payment, GoCO will deliver a 12cm x 20cm main control Pad to the customers


Customers need to perform set up by following the installation instructions in the provided DIY Saver Service video with purchased smart devices at their own pace for self-installation


After completing the installation, customers need to contact us and schedule a date for individual one-to-one cloud connection and home automation setup. Once the connection is completed, customers can activate the energy-saving system with full automation


Click the 'Free Enquiry' button to contact us and receive a personalized quotation to meet your requirement


Customers choose the appropriate subscription plan above and make the payment for both subscription and personalised quotation, they can then schedule an installation appointment at any time


After the on-site installation, an appointment can be scheduled for individual one-to-one cloud connection and home automation setup. Once the connection is completed, customers can activate the energy-saving system with full automation

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